ELSA – European Law Students‘ Association ist die größte Vereinigung von Jurastudenten. Mit unserem praxisorientierten akademischen Programm schließen wir die Lücke zwischen Lehre und Praxis und bieten unseren Mitgliedern die Möglichkeit über den Tellerrand hinaus zu schauen.
Unsere Ziele:
To contribute to legal education, to foster mutual understanding and to promote social responsibility of law students and young lawyers.To develop professional and student relations of an international nature in the field of Law, to prepare members for professional life in an international environment, to contribute to the exchange of scholarly experience and to stimulate mutual understanding and friendship on the principle of equality of all its members. By providing opportunities for law students and young lawyers to learn about other cultures and legal systems in a spirit of critical dialogue and scientific co-operation. By assisting law students and young lawyers to be internationally minded and professionally skilled. By encouraging law students and young lawyers to act for the good of society.
69.000 Mitglieder
in 44 Ländern
an 375 Universitäten
seit 1981